Hello people ,
here are a few ways that you can prepare for
your coming prelims & psle .
Once you get home you :
1) Walk to your table (best if there's no laptop, computer or any distractive stuff)
2)Pull out the chair, and sit down.
3)Take out textbooks, notes, stationery, assessment books
4)Open the neccessary stuff
5)Read through the notes first, jot down impt points
6)Make sure u understand what u r reading (give urself 30mins to 1 hr to read, u decide)
7)Close the textbooks, notes.
8)Open ur assessment book, and start doing
9)Start from the easiest question
10)Time yourself (if u exceed the max time, well, time management)
11)Mark the questions u don't know/don't understand.
Consult ur respective teacher about it.
a) Be calm
b) Spelling and Grammar is important
c) Preferably neat handwriting, must be big(no need to be so BIG. As long as the marker can read clearly, then it's ok le)
d) Be careful when doing calculations
e) Check through ur work thoroughly
Anyway , don't overstress youself .